Our challenge

We want to establish an innovation environment for digital transformation in society regarding reduced energy use. We demonstrate the possibilities of artificial intelligence and machine learning methods (AI/ML) for the digital development, in this project specifically towards building automation, but the insight gained in the public sector and industry is also expected to contribute to its use in other areas.

The current situation

We have a lack of systems/products/services that enable optimization of energy use in society. Large property portfolios have an unnecessarily high energy consumption, there are also no good tools to balance the consumption between properties, which leads to the power requirement being higher than it could be with efficient tools.

What do we want to achieve?

The project aims to develop innovations to analyse the energy demand of buildings under different circumstances by using historical data taking into account weather conditions, building information and the use of the building. This data is used to predict future energy needs in buildings, to balance energy needs between buildings, and to reduce total energy consumption.
  • IoT and IoT security

    We work on tools for connecting and authenticating IoT devices, eg. sensors, that are useful if you need your own IoT devices to develop your services. We also monitor the communication to ensure that no one has hacked in and taken over your device.

  • Energy optimization

    By including data sets about construction, analysing energy use patterns, activities in the buildings, microclimate, etc. which is a combination of data sets that are not included in today’s property controls, you can make more informed decisions about energy measures.

  • Machine learning

    We work with machine learning to automatically recognize what are normal patterns in data, and what are deviations.

  • Augmented reality

    Use your sensor data, open data and geographical information to create useful information and present it as augmented reality. Contact us if you are interested in creating applications on our platform!


The project’s main goal is increased innovation capacity through research collaboration. We address digital service development for sustainable/smart societies with one of our major societal challenges, reducing energy use. We base the work on the previous SSiO project, where we developed a digital platform for services with the Internet of Things. In this project, we apply the technology for increased innovation capacity within smart properties, more specifically reduced energy use in large property portfolios through increased understanding of how energy is used. Various data sets are analysed, where we use machine learning algorithms/methods to create energy profiles of properties.

The project will be a support system where we build up an R&D collaboration between academia, property owners, energy companies and companies that can exploit the project’s results and deliver solutions. After the project, the R&D collaboration continues as a sustainable ecosystem that lives on under its own power.

Target groups

The project’s target group is companies that develop service innovations for smart communities and municipalities as owners of needs to address one of our current biggest societal challenges regarding energy use. Our results will also promote other actors with large property holdings regarding services for energy efficiency/savings. Primarily, properties in Skellefteå and Piteå municipalities are included, but we will take in needs from, and spread the results to other municipalities in Norr- and Västerbotten. We will also make results available to the rest of Sweden, as similar technologies are used in other municipalities.