Arctic Challenge 2024

On November 20-22, the ESUDA and ENiSDA projects, together with a number of other organizations, organized the Arctic Challenge hackathon. Arctic Challenge is a unique hackathon focusing on IoT, digital twins and energy savings in buildings.

This year, the event was held in parallel with the Arctic Game Jam: Green gaming and sustainability.

Most of the participants came from the Genial master’s program, but the hackathon had attracted a few more participants.

The students were divided into 6 teams that took on 4 different challenges, i.e. two of the challenges had two teams working on them. All the challenges had connections to energy and buildings.

This was the opportunity to meet other enthusiastic hackers, push their limits and realize the projects of their dreams!



Alt-F4 worked on a challenge on how to effectively inform the operator about measures to save energy in a building. See their final presentation.



Back to 404

Back to 404 took on a fairly open challenge to focus on standardization to be able to utilize machine-based analysis of large amounts of data. See their final presentation.






Codezen chose the same challenge. See their final presentation.




e-skimos worked on the challenge of creating a blockchain-based decentralized energy trading platform for renewable energy. See their final presentation.


Polar Bears




Polar Bears chose the same challenge. See their final presentation.



Winter is coding

Winter is coding had taken on a challenge about power limitation, both how to act in the event of a lack of power and how to make money by being flexible. See their final presentation.





The Jury

The jury for the Arctic Challenge consisted of:

  • Nils Westin, Leosol
  • Leif Häggmark, project manager ESUDA and ENiSDA
  • Ruvimbo Kapondo, Luleå university of technology
  • Nafil Mahmud, university of technology

The contributions were reviewed against the criteria:

  • Visualization – How aesthetic and creative is the visualization?
  • Usability – How useful is the solution, and how easy is it to use for the target group?
  • Innovation – How innovative is the contribution?
  • Business potential – How high is the business potential?

All 6 teams did a very serious job and had interesting final presentations. The jury had a tough task in choosing the winners, but in the end a winning team was chosen, and another team that took second place.

e-skimos consisting of Gerson Gerhard Cruz, Haris Ahmed Qureshi, Ahmed Moncef Bousselat, Omin Saedi and Turan Eminli became the winners.

Winter is coding consisting of Keith Lennor Vegas, Santiago Tejada Orozco, Daniel Gonzáles Arango and Nicolle Alejandra Garcia Castro took second place.

The initiative was taken by the ESUDA and the ENiSDA projects together. It was supported/sponsored by  Skellefteå Digital AllianceDF NorraLuleå University of TechnologySkellefteå municipalityNUITEQ, the European regional development fond as well as additional companies and organizations.

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